75 Happy 1st Birthday Wishes For Grandson

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The bond between Grandson and Grandparent is truly unique. For him, getting to see you is a real treat – as it must be for you, too. You’ve been there from day one, and as that sweet baby boy grows, he learns friendship from you. 

So send him a happy 1st birthday Grandson message as a token of that friendship. We’ve picked out some of the perfect wishes for any circumstance, so you can get the wording just right, and show your Grandson how lucky he is to have you as a grandparent.

Funny 1st birthday wishes for Grandson

Baby boy celebrates his first birthday with a blue cake and '1' balloon amidst toys on wooden floor
  1. They say age is just a number. With you it really is just one number. As for us … Happy 1st birthday to our dearest Grandson.
  2. You don’t look a day over 364 days old. Best birthday wishes!
  3. It’s your first birthday today, sweet Grandson – rookie numbers! Congratulations nonetheless.
  4. I’ve never known a cuter baby boy than you before. And I brought up your father, remember. Let’s keep this between us. Happy birthday!
  5. Remember, your grandparents know best, your parents only second best. That’s why they call us ‘grand’, and your parents, well, just your parents. Happy first birthday Grandson.
  6. The warmest 1st birthday wishes to you, young chap. You’re our number one, too. Forget about your parents!
  7. You might not remember today, young one, but we … What was I saying? Just kidding, we’re not that old yet. Happy 1st birthday.
  8. You are the best grandchild we’ve ever had, sweet boy. Ok, and the only one. But still! Happy 1st birthday to you!
  9. It’s your birthday today! Congratulations, you can now start counting your age on your hands, we’re well beyond that point by now. Sending all the love in the world, Grandson.
  10. Congratulations on finally reaching whole numbers! The novelty does wear off … Very happy birthday to the sweetest Grandson ever.
  11. Happy birthday to everyone’s favorite baby boy, whether they agree or not!
  12. Gosh, you’ve just turned one. The whole world’s your playground. Mind you, you might be a little too young to be using playgrounds.
  13. Happy 1st birthday, Grandson. Sending an ice cream your way. I suppose it’ll be more like regular cream when it arrives … 
  14. Hang on, you’ve only just turned one? So what were you before? It’s beyond us. Anyway, happy birthday, dear Grandson.
  15. You’ve got your entire life ahead of you, so relax. Take a leaf from our book, and have the occasional couch nap or two. 
  16. I wanted to send you a happy 1st birthday text message, but to be honest I think you’d be more able than me to do that. All the good wishes in the world, sweet Grandson.
  17. So you’ve got one year to your name. You’ve got some catching up to do Grandson. Happy first birthday sweet boy.
  18. Thank you for being such a great Grandson. No for being great as a Grandson, not our great Grandson. We’re not that old!
  19. It’s your special day. Wait, hang on, I didn’t know you could read. What a clever big boy you are.
  20. I suppose you have no need to count to ten yet, you’re only a finger-year old. Happy first birthday, dear Grandson.

Heartfelt happy birthday wishes for Grandson 

A grandfather holds his baby grandson as they stand together outside in the park.
  1. We have all been so glad to have you in our lives from the day you came into the world, not that long ago. It’s only just begun. Happy 1st birthday, dear Grandson.
  2. You have made two very happy grandparents. Have a very special day, on your first birthday.
  3. To think despite the years between us, we share something very special, little one. Happy birthday, love.
  4. I hope you have a wonderful time today. I can’t remember what I was like at your age, but I know you’re doing things just right, my sweet. Love you lots.
  5. The moment you came tumbling into the world with all your life and joy, you brought a smile to my face. Here’s to you, shining star.
  6. Happy first birthday to not only my sweetest Grandson, but my new friend. Here’s to you.
  7. What a beautiful boy you are, and a precious gift to us all. Your grandma and grandpa love you very much.
  8. There’s a special spark in you, little one. I can feel it. Happy 1st birthday, I love you very much.
  9. What a life-giving force you are. The youthful joy you bring us all, if you only knew. In time, little boy, in time. Happy birthday.
  10. All the love you bring we return to you, and more. Your entire family is very, very proud of you. The warmest birthday wishes, our wonderful baby boy.
  11. One year old. The life you have ahead of you is so bright, so full of hope, because you are both those things and more. Happy birthday to our precious Grandson.
  12. A star fell from the sky, and you were born. And now, you carry that light with you, wherever you go. And we, your grandparents, thank you for it, for it lightens up our lives, too. 
  13. I feel, quite simply, that I am the most blessed and happy grandparent there ever was, because I have you. Happy first birthday my dear Grandson, and friend.
  14. Look at you already! You were such a sweet little baby when you were born. And now such a mature good boy you are. Each day, you take on such grace. Happy 1st birthday, Grandson.
  15. Happy birthday to the dearest Grandson. Each time you come to visit, we feel so lucky. As you grow, whatever path you take, we are here for you, and we are prouder than you could ever know.
  16. There’s no need for us to count the years, because we count each day with you, our lovely grandchild.
  17. You may only be turning one year old, but already I see all your parents’ best qualities in you. Wishing you so much joy, our dearest Grandson, and a happy birthday.
  18. You are, sweet Grandson, so full of life. We bask in your light, sweetest boy. Happy 1st birthday.
  19. We have, dear one, unconditional love for you. Not just as our Grandson, but as the wonderful young man we see growing before our eyes. The warmest 1st birthday wishes to you.
  20. With each year, I’ll hug you tighter. And watch you grow. I’m so proud of you Grandson. Happy birthday.

Cute 1st birthday wishes for Grandson

Baby boy sits on the floor amidst a pile of white balloons, holding a teddy bear and staring at the camera.
  1. See you soon, sweet boy. Come round to play anytime, and we’ll join in, too. Happy birthday, love, your grandparents.
  2. You are our precious little hero. You never fail to make us smile, so thank you, and happy 1st birthday.
  3. Gosh, you’ve turned one already. I guess time flies, with you around. We love you very much, sweet Grandson.
  4. It’s your big day today. Take that big smile of yours, and show the world. Happy 1st birthday wishes to you, our lovely Grandson.
  5. Your family loves you very much. Not that we need to tell you that. You’re already a pretty wise kid. Happy birthday.
  6. At our age, life’s about the important things, and you’re one of them. Have a very special birthday.
  7. To think all the joy in the world could be bundled up in your sweet little self. Hope you have a very special 1st birthday.
  8. We’ve been around much longer than you have, but we still have new things to learn from you, little one, and the immense joy you bring. Have a wonderful birthday.
  9. Blowing a kiss for you to catch, our amazing Grandson. There, catch it! Happy 1st birthday, sweet.
  10. So it’s come around, dear Grandson. You’ve just turned one, but remain as cute as ever.

Cool 1st birthday wishes for Grandson

A hipster baby wearing a fur vest and sunglasses lies on a white bed in a room with curtains
  1. Happy 1st birthday, kid. Kick back, relax, let your parents take care of everything. Love, grandma and grandad.
  2. You’re a big boy now, that means big presents, and a big slice of cake, whatever your parents might say. Have an awesome day today, Grandson.
  3. That’s it, we’ve started counting. It only gets better from here, hope you have the best first birthday.
  4. Have a rocking day, our little rockstar. Sending all our 1st birthday wishes your way.
  5. Thank you for making our life awesome, as the kids say – I guess that’s you now it’s your 1st birthday.
  6. You always bring the party with you wherever you go, little dancer. Your grandparents are here to party with you, happy birthday!
  7. Hey dear Grandson, it’s only your first birthday, so here’s a top tip from us veterans. Have all the fun in the world, and more!
  8. Congrats on having very few numbers to your name, love, your grandparents, that have quite a large number.
  9. Don’t listen to all this talk of it being your big day. Every day is your big day, you superstar. Happy 1st birthday wishes!
  10. You’re not just the cutest baby boy ever, but the smartest baby boy ever. There’s no doubt, kid, you’ve got the world in the palm of your hand. Happy birthday.

Inspiring 1st birthday wishes for Grandson

A happy pilot aviator baby boy with a teddy bear toy plays in a cardboard box.
  1. You’ve got your entire life ahead of you, Grandson. Enjoy every step of the way, not too fast. All in sweet time, birthday boy.
  2. Remember, whatever life springs your way, with each challenge as well as each joy, know that we, and your whole family, love you, and are proud of you.
  3. Time flies when you’re having fun, and boy do you know how to have fun. Enjoy each fleeting moment. Happy 1st birthday Grandson.
  4. Don’t let anyone dim your light, ever. It is yours, and with it, you are destined to shine bright. Sending you all the good wishes in the world.
  5. Happy birthday wishes to our little boy. All the blessings from us. Hold them tight, and with them bless the world with your presence in turn.
  6. Remember sweet grandchild, hope is a very special thing, because hope is love. So today, on your special day, we send you hope, and our love.
  7. It’s the birthday of a very special person today. And we have a message for him: just keep being your gorgeous, joyous self!
  8. We wish you all the success in the world, little one. Just take each hurdle as it comes, and you’ll bounce back each time, because you’re you. Happy 1st birthday, Grandson.
  9. May all your dreams come true, in the long life you have ahead. It has only just begun.
  10. We are all so glad to have you in our lives. Take all the joy you bring to others, and love yourself, always. Happy first birthday.
  11. Happy first birthday Grandson. Live life to the fullest, with an open mind, and an open heart, and you won’t fail to find joy wherever you look.
  12. As you grow into the handsome young man you’re destined to become, don’t forget to keep your youthful spirit with you always – trust your grandparents in that. Happy first birthday.
  13. Sending our warmest and best wishes, Grandson. Don’t stop being your own wonderful self, not for anyone or anything. Happy birthday!
  14. Remember, even when you forge your own path in life, we, your family, are there for you. Always. Happy 1st birthday.
  15. There’s a little bit of magic in everything, if you know where to look. Remember that, and all will be well. Have a magic first birthday.


As you can see, there’s all sorts of ways to wish your Grandson a very happy 1st birthday. Whatever birthday message you choose, however you send it, remember, you’re making a memento not just for him, but for yourself, too. 

You must be a very proud grandparent. And your Grandson is very lucky to have you. A sweet and thoughtful message is just one little sign of the bond that you share together. So here’s to you both.

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