36 Precious Wedding Wishes For Son

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Wedding wishes from parents are by far the most meaningful wedding messages a son can receive on their special day. Of all the loving words they’ll receive from their dear ones, a wedding card from your beloved mom and dad takes the prize. The euphoria of watching your son’s wedding ceremony as he ties the knot with his precious bride will be truly indescribable, and we want to make sure you can focus on more important duties than trying to spew your heart out in a short wedding message.

Relationships between a son and their parents can differ greatly, so we’ve come up with a collection of wishes from short and sweet, heart-warming and inspiring wedding messages to wedding wishes with a dash of humor to suit your preferred style and how you communicate your love and blessings to you, our dear son. 

Short and Sweet Wedding Wishes for Son

Three-generation family sitting at the dinner table, posing for the camera and smiling
  1. Wishing our dear son a wonderful day and a happy married life with your precious sweetheart. Best wishes for the beautiful future that awaits you.
  2. Happy wedding day son! Wishing you and our lovely daughter-in-law a long and happy married life. We hope today brings you lasting joy that continues for years ahead.
  3. Congratulations son. As you begin your beautiful life as a married couple, remember to spend lots of quality time together, but also make enough time for yourselves.
  4. Today will be one of the most wonderful days of your whole life, so cherish every minute as you celebrate the start of your beautiful union and a long and happy life.
  5. Best wishes to our precious son and beloved daughter-in-law on tying the knot and making it official. Here’s the beginning of a new and wonderful life together.
  6. Sending a huge wedding congratulations to our favorite couple! Here’s a happy marriage with minimal squabbling and maximum joy!
  7. This is probably the 100th wedding card you’ve read, so I’ll keep it short and sweet. Congratulations on your wedding day and taking the first step to starting a new family! 
  8. Congratulations dear! We wish you and our new daughter a lifetime of joy and unmeasurable love. You’re a wonderful couple and we know you’ll share a happy married life in each other’s embrace.
  9. Wishing our darling son and his beautiful life partner a happy married life as husband and wife.
  10. Sending you this wedding card filled with heartfelt blessings for your lovely wedding day. Here’s to a beautiful future for you and your better half. 

Heartwarming Wedding Wishes for Son

Bride and groom running towards the camera outdoors with massive smiles, guests throw confetti behind them
  1. Happy wedding day son! We wish you and your loving life partner all the happiness you deserve on this special day. You’re a loving and caring couple who look out for each other in every aspect of life and we’re over the moon that you’re entering this new phase of your beautiful new lives. 
  2. Sending heartfelt blessings to our precious son. We’re so happy you found your perfect match to start a new life with. We’re also thrilled to have a new wonderful addition in our family unit who we love so dearly. We wish you both a happy life full of love and joy.
  3. Best wishes to our dear son and lovely daughter-in-law on your wedding day. May you find all the warmth and comfort you need in each other’s loving embrace.  We wish you a prosperous married life filled with all the wonderful things that make marriage beautiful.
  4. Congratulations dear! We’re so happy for you. Sending you the most heartfelt wishes as you step into this incredible new phase of your relationship. Here’s to a happy marriage filled with unlimited joy and boundless love for one another. 
  5. Sending heartfelt blessings to the most loving and caring couple we know. May the immense happiness of married life and all the positivity of this special day be reflected in every moment of your new and exciting life as husband and wife. The journey ahead of you will be your greatest experience filled with a level of joy you didn’t know existed. 
  6. Congratulations dear! We are so proud to attend our son’s wedding day, a moment we have looked forward to for many years. Sending you both our heartfelt blessings to carry you forward as you start life as a married couple. The boundless love you share glows so bright and we can all see how much joy you bring to each other. 
  7. Of all the wedding messages we’ve written, this one means the most to us by far. We’re overjoyed to be celebrating our son’s marriage to his adorable life partner. We’re so thankful that our wonderful daughter-in-law is joining her new family. 
  8. Best wishes and huge congratulations to our dear son and his beautiful bride on their fabulous wedding day! Not only do we get to experience the start of our son’s marriage, we also have the pleasure of welcoming our new loving family member with open arms. 

Funny Wedding Wishes for Son

Dad laughs as he shakes his son's hand on son's wedding day
  1. Here are a few tips for a peaceful married life: 1) Most arguments can be avoided by keeping your answers to the following four: “Yes”, “No”, “I agree” and “I understand”. 2) Whenever you think you’ve done enough, you probably haven’t, so do more. 3) If you’re asked to do something you don’t want to do, mess it up on your first attempt and you’ll never be asked to do it again.
  2. Dear son, as you enter married life, here’s some marriage advice to help you navigate your journey and avoid rough waters. 1) Do chores without being asked before they are due. 2) Work longer hours – you get paid more and spend less time getting in your partner’s way. 3) Nod and agree/disagree with whatever they say to avoid arguments.
  3. Best to our wonderful son and his good wife. I would say have a peaceful married life, but we all know you aren’t really the “quiet-life” type. Let’s just hope our dear daughter-in-law can keep up with your hyperactivity and need for adrenaline-fueled fun.  
  4. So, you finally found someone brave enough to call you their husband and agree to live with you forever. I hope our dear daughter-in-law knows what she’s got herself into. We might have to sit down with you after your honeymoon and impart some expert marriage advice to prevent you from driving your good wife crazy.   
  5. Congratulations dear! We have been patiently waiting for your wedding day for a long time – the moment that marks the end of bringing your dirty laundry to our house for washing and using the house as a hotel. I’m sure your lovely partner will whip you into shape in due course because there’s no way they’ll put up with all of your mess!
  6. When people ask, “What’s the best wedding gift you received when you started married life?” You might be racking your brain trying to remember all the presents, but there’s only one true answer: The gift of finally finding a lovely life partner who’s willing to put up with your behavior!
  7. We’re so excited to be celebrating our son’s wedding! For a moment, we thought this day would never come and you would end up living under our roof in your homemade “man cave”. Thankfully, the universe heard our cries and sent you a good partner who changed your world, and now we can turn your den into a much-needed guest room. 
  8. Congratulations son! You finally have someone as crazy as you who appreciates all your quirks and strange little habits. We hope you both have a happy married life filled with joy, laughter, and just enough sarcasm to keep things interesting, but not so much that you’ll spend the night sleeping on the couch!

Inspiring Wedding Wishes for Son

Father shakes his son's hand on his wedding day, bride standing next to groom's father, smiling
  1. Wishing our dear son and our sweet daughter-in-law a prosperous married life and immense happiness in the fabulous future that awaits you. This is just the beginning of your new journey of everlasting love and endless joy. You’re a shining example of what true love can achieve.
  2. Congratulations dear! Here’s a loving message to wish you and your beautiful beau all the joy your lovely marriage can bring. You have so much happiness yet to experience in this wonderful new chapter. May your love for each other grow stronger and your connection grows deeper with each passing day.
  3. Congratulations to our wonderful son. Make sure you savor every last moment of your precious wedding day, as it’s one of the happiest days you’ll ever experience. Sending you loving warm wishes for a happy and blessed marriage in this beautiful new life you’re starting together.
  4. Wishing you and your dear wife a very special day as you celebrate your wedding! Celebrating our son’s marriage is one of the greatest blessings of our lives. We can’t wait for you to start your new adventure into your happy married life with your sweetheart.
  5. Wishing our dear son and lovely new daughter a fantastic wedding day! I’m sure you’ll receive tons of presents today, but remember that the best wedding gifts for newlyweds are the memories you’ll create together during your beautiful honeymoon, the coming year, and the incredible future that awaits you in your happy married life.
  6. Dear son, we can’t believe you and your significant other are about to start your beautiful married life together. Remember that a healthy marriage depends on trust, patience, communication, unwavering commitment, and of coursethe main ingredient, love! May you and your loving beau be blessed with all the positivity the universe has to offer. 

Nostalgic Wedding Wishes for Son

Father teaching his son how to ride a bike in the park, both smiling
  1. Best wishes to our wonderful son. It’s hard to believe the little boy who once held our hands is now holding the hand of his beloved partner. You’ve grown into an incredible young man and found a good person who loves you dearly. We wish you both a happy and blessed marriage and endless joy. 
  2. We can’t believe that the same little boy who used to run around wearing underwear on his head grunting like a caveman has finally found a loving partner who accepts you as you are. If that isn’t a miracle, I don’t know what is! We wish you both a beautiful life together and hope you don’t scare them away with your silly antics!
  3. Watching you grow from a young boy into the amazing man you are has been our greatest joy, and your wedding day is the cherry on top! We’ve still kept some of your favorite childhood toys to pass on to your kids when you start your new family.  
  4. Congratulations on your wedding day son! It feels like just yesterday you were patiently waiting for one of us to pick you up from school, and now you’re all grown up and about to enter marriage. Gosh, time really does fly! It’s been magical seeing you grow and mature into the wonderful man who stands before us with our new daughter. 


And that just about wraps it up for this article. We hope you found just the right words to write on your son’s wedding card. Whether you plan to shower your son with love or pull his leg with a funny message, the main thing is that your son knows he has your love, blessing, and support as he enters the extraordinary journey of married life with his amazing other half.

If you’re looking for a lovely present to go with your wedding wish? Why not check out our list of the best wedding gifts for young couples and see if something takes your fancy?

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